[NEWS] New Kickstarter rewards tiers added!

Hello! We are now a week into our campaign. Thank you for the support! Every pledge means the world to us and we are very grateful.

Support us on Kickstarter (live now!)

In more exciting news… We have added 2 new rewards tiers to our campaign! Read more below!

CA$ 250 - Design a NPC! (limit 10) 
Work with us to design a fellow classmate, a supermarket cashier, friendly elder at the local park or more! Submit sketches or writing to us and your concept will be drawn by the game artist, Hinata Yoyo. This tier includes all digital rewards, including the Kickstarter-exclusive patch that adds 3 CGs in the Epilogue DLC. Physical merchandise are available as add-ons.

CA$ 280 - Design MC’s friend! (limit 1)
Work with us to design the female friend of the main character, Megumi. Submit sketches or writing to us and your concept will be drawn by the game artist, Hinata Yoyo. This tier includes all digital rewards, including the Kickstarter-exclusive patch that adds 3 CGs in the Epilogue DLC. Physical merchandise are available as add-ons.

*H9O6 reserves the right to refund this tier for any material we believe is unlawful, infringing, inappropriate, or not in line with our policy.

If you are a backer and would like to change your pledge:
Visit our project page, click the “Manage your pledge” button and select “Change your pledge”. You can add any add-ons here as well. Please note you cannot change your pledge after the campaign.

In other news, we have made changes to one of our stretch goal. Read more about it in our Kickstarter update.

In closing… We are working very hard on the extended demo and plan to release it in a week or so. We are very excited to make our game a reality but we still have a long way to go, so we humbly ask you to please help us spread the word!

Stay tuned! :)


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